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Digital Collages

Over time, the black and white colors that enabled the Harmony software were not enough.

Some of those sketches, scribbled spontaneously on my iPad with my left little finger, made me want to add colors and images and create something new.

I am a night owl. As usual, I was up late, and as I was looking at one of the drawings on my computer monitor, I began adding colors with Photoshop.

This became almost a daily ritual. In the daytime, on the road, I scribble. At night, after my day job, I completely wake up and start adding colors, shapes, and textures. The hand flows almost thoughtlessly, creating a digital collage.

The collages consist of digital drawings (drawn in Harmony software), cropped images, and color surfaces, processed together in Photoshop until that moment when I feel my eye is happy, my hand is relaxed, and my imagination has become a reality of form and color.

I have never defined myself as an artist. I am a graphic designer by profession, and I love to give shapes and colors to different art forms. Now I give lots of shapes and colors to my content.