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Talking Heads

I found myself tidying up my home at the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreaks. It was our first lockdown: confined to our houses, allowed to walk only 500-square meters from the house.

I happened to come across boxes with all kinds of objects that I'd collected over the years. My hands started to tell me that I needed to create something from all this stuff—something three dimensional. I clearly needed to take a break from the domain of my computer's flat screen and create something altogether different.

When I came across the Styrofoam head, I knew I'd found my next field of creative work.

The concept of designing these “Talking Heads” emphasizes recycling materials. Different materials sourced from different worlds: nature (Natural Beauty); plastic waste from the kibbutz factory (Lady Avatar & The Woman in Red); and leftover medical products (Ms. Corona and Lady Dia-betic).

Whatever I found that spoke to me and caught my imagination.

Now I just need to find more Styrofoam heads. Used, of course, since this work is all based on recycling materials.